Believe me, we do see the lamp-posts ads. Walla we see them. Its just that we don't care. So placing 10 lamp-posts, duplicated, the same story, over and over again, in-line, really, won't help change our mind.
Yes it will attract few avarege people, who is looking for average stuff. So if you guys are hunting average people for your avarege product, then its fine.
This ad is for Batelco, a tele-communication company in Bahrain. Recently they filled the entire kingdom with lamp-posts like this.
I don't know how much they spent on that promotion but its not less than BD 500,000 I guess. Just to attract people grabbing them from the throat, and feeding them this ad. Hey anyone?
Do something great. Something cool, something we really want and need, and you will save the BD 500,000. In fact we, the customers, will do the marketing for you. We will spread your product, just give us what we want and need. And no spam please.
I recommend the Permission Marketing book by Seth Godin for Batelco and Zain Marcom teams.
Yes, you are right.
ReplyDeleteAnd the problem is that they hang those ads on the high ways, imagine a guy driving on the way high with the speed 100 km/H, do they think that this guy would focus his attention away from the road to their stupid ads. Yeah right!
You've made the point to the heart.
ReplyDeleteI think that's why they keep duplicating those so you'll grab at least one.
Thanks BuJas