Thursday, March 12, 2009

The back of the Napkin

This book is what shifted me from pure IT mindset into business entrepreneur and marketing thinking.

Dan Roam lays out a very neat architecture (SQVID) for solving problems using pictures (simple drawings).

Sometimes we fail when we use complex graphics and 3D charts and hard statistics to make a point or to deliver an idea or solve a problem. By drawing one simple picture step by step you can deliver that idea or help solving a problem by eliminating the complexity behind it.

I recommend reading it.



  1. The back of a napkin... It is said that this is where the ideas of J.K. Rowling for Harry Potter was conceived.

  2. New information
    thanks for sharing Cody

    You got to read this book.

    I would have gave you my copy if you were in Bahrain


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