Friday, December 18, 2009

Brainstorming is about Quantity not Quality

Usually when you hear your boss carrying a brainstorming session you panic. Now you have to come up with great ideas or just simply, shut up.

Brainstorming is defined in our work as the process of getting smart ideas and through the junk ones. If an idea that is infeasible the group will start criticizing the owner.

Patrick Mcdermott the author of Zen and the Art of System Analysis propose a unique way to perform Brainstorming.

Brainstorming is about filling the board with crazy ideas without limitation. The most important key is having fun. He insists that Brainstorming is about Quantity instead of Quality. As long as your teams are freely shooting their ideas without any criticism or BUTs/Howevers/NOs. You should get the best out of it.

The more your teams place ideas on the board the more you exercise their brain to produce even more ideas. The quality doesn't matter at this stage. You can later select, combine, remove ideas to create qualitative ideas.

Patrick says he measures the success of his brainstorming sessions by how loud his team laughs and the number of complains he get from the next rooms!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

The Car Keys Anomaly

When you open your car with its keys, you're brain is wired 100% that the car will always open. Because you believe it will open no matter what. In fact there is no room for thinking of a slight chance that it won't open.

Now somebody asked me.

What IF I replace your car keys with ones that look just like yours without telling you. You will still be 100% convinced that the car will open with those keys but it won't.

This is interesting claim to make. However, in this case whoever replaced my car keys, his thought wave function is much more stronger than mine. Now HE is 100% sure that my car will not be opened with the keys I have and his conciseness travel in time at the incident event and affect the reality of me being unable to open the car.

The Reason is that we are all entangled and we affect each other thinkings.

Now, suppose for example, if we can assume that a computer did the replacement of the keys (randomly) without you or me having any knowledge what keys the computer will replace, is it the right or wrong. In other words your consciousness and thinking doesn't play any rule in this process. I will always open the car no matter what keys the computer selects. Because I am 100% sure that my keys haven't change and I am unaware of this computer replacement process.

There is an exception as well to this paradagm. If you are "Watching" the computer replacing the keys, or thinking that "ok, the computer will pick the wrong keys.." this also affects the result, or say you have a desire that the computer to replace my keys with wrong keys. In this case its up to the uncertainty prenciple. You may say its a battle between my conciouness and yours. Most probably I will win.

So for this thought expirment to be true, you shouldn't be able to play any rule in it by any means. That means, you should place that machine in a closed room and let it do the keys replacement.

OK, Someone somewhere must have picked keys so similar to his keys but are not his, he was 100% convinced they were his keys, no one has interfered in him picking the wrong keys, yet I'm willing to wager they were unable to open his car.


The car keys will not open in two cases:
1. If our guy discovered that those keys aren't his before he actually opens the car. The keys won't open.

2. If our guy (or anyone else) WILL discover sometime in the future, say after one month or two months or two years that the keys aren't his. The car will not open NOW. This is an example of how the future can affect the past. (I will elaborate on this more)

The car keys will ALWAYS open in one case.
1. If our guy didn't discover that the keys are not his, or he (or anyone else) WILL NEVER discover in the future that the keys are not his. The car will always open. Thats because there is a full synchronization between the future, the past and the present (The now).

This is a simple example of how the future can affect the present. In the Quantum world, we are entangled with our future self and our past self. So anything you do now affects the future and anything you might be doing in the future will affect the present.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

I would love to fail

The last thing we want to do is to fail. I don't get on the stage and present because I might screw up and the audience will laugh. I don't write a book because some of my friends who think I'm still young will make fun of me if my book sold zero copies. I don't dance because I might make a fool of myself.

We fear failure because its embarrassing. So we have built this behavior that failing or being wrong is the worst thing we can do.

We live in the world of TV and movies where heroes don't make mistakes and do things perfectly. A simple equation that always apply, if you fail, you suck. No room for mistakes, quitters are losers, winners never quit.

Good judgment comes from Experience, unfortunately, Experience comes from bad judgment and failure. -
Jim Horning

So we have only one source to good judgment and its experience. And Experience comes from failure the very thing that we afraid of.

Let us all pull our strength from this little girl
The Little Girl Story
There was a school girl who don't pay attention to classes. One day in the drawing class, the teacher noticed that she is really focusing on her drawings The teacher approached her and asked her.

Teacher: "What are you drawing?"
Girl: "I'm drawing a picture of GOD"
Teacher, amazed: "Okay, but, no one knows what GOD looks like."
Girl: "They will in a minute."

The girl didn't put any restrictions, its in her nature, she just want to try everything. She didn't care about failing. I previously wrote an article about thinking like kids. Here it is if you are interested more in this subject. Maybe they can teach us a lesson.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Research: Hussein's Frog Experiment

This thought experiment is somehow similar to Schrödinger's cat Experiment of Quantum Physics.

Hussein's Frog
The experiment goes as follows. If you ask a random person, whom you don't know, to think of an object. Then instructed him to obtain that object, place it in a box and seal that box. Assuming a condition this person does not disclose the content of the box to anyone. We will have a sealed box with an object that only one person in the entire world, our world, knows what is it.

The second step of this experiment takes place after that person leave this world, (i.e. dead). Next, fetch the box and before opening it, wish for a frog to be in that box. Imagine the frog inside the box before opening it and when you do open that box, you will always find a frog, or whatever you wish for. The frog, according to Schrödinger's, will be of course both alive and dead at the same time up until the moment we upon the box.

Why is that?
The reason, according to quantum physics, is that whatever was inside that box was there because our person puts it there. He knows about it, he was the only one affecting its existence. With our person gone, the box can freely contain ANYTHING depending on the power of the direct wave function affecting that box.

If the person we instructed to take the object told someone about the content of that box, the box content will snap "back" into that reality. If people start guessing whats inside the box you get all those probabilities and its up to the strongest wave thought function (or the sum of the thoughts with the same frequency) to create the reality. Basically uncertainty principle plays the major rule here.

So for our experience to be effective you shouldn't tell anybody about it.