Thursday, September 9, 2010

Twitter Trends in Bahrain now Available in Twitter Chrome Extension

Until Twitter decides to include my country in their Geographical Trending Topics I created a generic way to calculate trending topics in twitter for a particular country/region/collection of countries almost any set.

The method is not 100% perfect but it works, I used the concept of lists. The service reads from live stream of a list, in this example it reads from a real-time list of most active bahraini twitters. For small regions like Bahrain and GCC, we can create such list and group all people.

The beautiful thing about this, is that I can list the trending topics of say Geeks in Bahrain, or Photographers in Dubai.. Just create a list and let the service read from that list. I might list how developers can create their own service in a separate post.

Apparently, tomorrow is Eid, so as you see #eid is trending, the others mostly are TV series in GCC.

I combined the list into a new version of Google Chrome extension for Twitter web

Note: if you double click on the trend, it will take you to a new twitter search.. will enhance this later to actually show the tweets generated this trend.


  1. Thanks for using my pic, i am honoured
    and u r a very smart man, one day u will be someone important inshala

  2. :) :)

    i used your pic because you are the most charming girl in twitter :D


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