Previously I used to add commands on ArcMap, now instead I tweaked the back-end web page from which the Maps are retrieved and made it a bit user friendly with more cool options.
Now you can see the current extent of your ArcGIS Data in Google Maps, Google Earth, Bing Maps and Yahoo Maps.
I'll leave you with the pictures.
Click here to download Arc2Google
if you like Arc2Google, then you might like Maps Compare V3.
p.s.: If you want to remove the ads, you can always download the map pages and host them on your company/personal website. Change the Arc2Google Source code as well to point to your domain.
its working fine
i had install arc2google (and it is installed successfully) but nothing happen when i click the toolbar (M & E). neither the maps is open or google earth window is open.can you help me solved the problem? thanks before