Monday, March 29, 2010

So you think you are Special?

What is the difference between a bear in the South pole and a one in the Amazon jungle?

The development of animals are part of their built-in intelligence. They adapt with the environment they currently live in, and if they fail to adapt; They die.

This has been the case for few billion years ago in the Earth. The strong survives and the weak who fail to adapt dies.

So how are you, as a human being, different from animals?

We happened to have the most intelligent engine among all creatures. We call that engine , the Brain.

Look around you, we build houses to avoid the rain. We used to build them horizontally, then when we run out of space, we created vertical housing technique. Thus we had story buildings.

We created communities, systems, politics, cultures and thousands of Arts. We interconnected the Earth with the tool of the Internet. Now anyone in Earth can connect with anyone in matter of seconds.

God must be proud of us.

That's why we dominated the entire Earth in only few thousands years. Something all creatures whom have been living in Earth for more than 14 billions years ago.

And our development is raising exponentially.

Hence, we are special, smart and yes the strongest. At least for now.

But are there other creatures out there in the unlimited universe who out smarted us and have developed even faster than us? Are they trying to reach us?

Who knows.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Earth your Brain

I previously talked about the various methods on how to Earth your Pain. Earthing the Brain, however, is a totally different experience.

Earthing the Brain is the process of cleaning your brain from past knowledge and experiences and thoughts that you have acquired and instead open your mind to unlimited possibilities without projecting actions on these past experiences.

This is not easy to accomplish. Our experiences basically defines who we are and its difficult to let go of what we are. However, looking at the world with an "Earthed" brain open our eyes to totally new experiences. An Earthed brain can listen more and see more.

You can say an Earthed brain is an application of Zen brain, an empty brain that can accept new knowledge, new experiences. Just like a brain of a kid that never fears to try new things.

An Earthed brain can make us see clearly potential Black Swans and sorta "predict" the unpredictable.

The most important thing, it makes us realize how little we know about the World, thus it teaches us how to listen and learn the most from our surroundings. Basically it makes us climb the mountain of Knowledge higher, except that the 'Ego' dog will cease to follow us up to the mountain.